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Prakul Krish Neupane

A STEM enthusiast, a policy debater, and a community service changemaker - Founder, Member Board of Directors - K Foundation Global, Vice President of Policy Debate NPBS Debate Team

When I was young, playing Pokemon on my Nintendo DS, I was interested in the game, and it encouraged me to design and develop different games in Kodu and RPG maker. This interest in games eventually gave me an interest in programming. I also spent a lot of time in Math, Science, Engineering, and Robotics. I was team captain of SECME during my 5th grade. I completed my enrichment in Math from IMACS (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science) which focuses on teaching math and computer programming logic.

ES - Math and Engineering enthusiast

​Focus area

  • Math

  • Computer

  • Engineering

Social work

  • International disaster

When I was young, playing Pokemon on my Nintendo DS, I was interested in the game, and it encouraged me to design and develop different games in Kodu and RPG maker. This interest in games eventually gave me an interest in programming.


I also spent a lot of time in Math, Science, Engineering, and Robotics. I was team captain of SECME during my 5th grade. I completed my enrichment in Math from IMACS (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science) which focuses on teaching math and computer programming logic.

At FAU, college of engineering, I worked on Car to Car communication and learned about the fundamentals of engineering, and 3D printing using AutoCAD. At the age of 10 when I joined the FAU summer engineering program, I was the youngest one.

One interest I knew I had early on was my deep interest in entrepreneurship. This interest formed when I started listening to podcasts called “How I built this”(a podcast on how certain businesses were started and the story behind their creation) and “Planet Money”(a podcast about economic concepts, economic news, and events affecting businesses and trade) and three years back. I still listen to every single episode of these podcasts.

After watching “Steve Jobs” documentary and “Pirates of Silicon Valley” movie just before my middle school search, I found out how important the combination of Communication and Technology is to allow one to succeed in business. That paved the path for me, a math and technology kid, to prepare and go to an Arts school majoring in the field of communications. 


I have done debate classes and clubs ever since 6th grade, attended different debate clubs and competitions.  I participated in math, science and robotic competitions in my middles school.

In my effort for clean environment, youth development and International volunteering, I served three years in a program called Green Team to create a positive environment by making our school cleaner, greener and alive. I was President of Green Team in my 8th grade. I have volunteered to help younger engineer design their Robots.  In effort to know about under developed countries like my parent's birth country: Nepal, I volunteered at a local government hospital which is visited by people that have less than regular funds and less than normal means for their medical treatment.

MS - Realization of Communication is important along with Engineering.

​Focus area

  • Debate

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Math

  • Science

  • Engineering

  • Robotics

​Social work

  • Environment

  • Youth development

  • International volunteering

One interest I knew I had early on was my deep interest in entrepreneurship. This interest formed when I listened to podcasts called "How I built this," starting in 7th grade for about three years. I used to listen to every single episode of these podcasts.

After watching the "Steve Jobs" documentary and "Pirates of Silicon Valley" movie just before my middle school search, I found out how important the combination of Communication and Technology is to allow one to succeed in business. That paved the path for me, a math and technology kid, to prepare and go to an Arts school majoring in the field of communications. 
I have done debate classes and clubs ever since 6th grade and attended different debate clubs and competitions. I participated in math, science, and robotic competitions in middle school.

​In my effort for a clean environment, youth development, and International volunteering, I served three years in a Green Team program to create a positive environment by making our school cleaner, greener, and alive. I was President of the Green Team in my 8th grade. I have volunteered to help younger engineers design their Robots. To learn about underdeveloped countries like my parent's birth country: Nepal, I volunteered at a local government hospital in Nepal visited by people who have less than regular funds and less than average means for their medical treatment.

With all the things that I have highlighted above as my early learning opportunities, my focus at this time is to do good in Policy Debate competition. I will be preparing for programming competitions and have participated in Hackathones and USACO competitions. I successfully completed my first year of "Robotics & Engineering" class in my 9th grade. I will be taking "Robotics & Engineering 2 honors" class coming academic year. As a school team member, I have participated in Drone and traditional robotics competitions. I will continue to participate in more of such competitions. 

To continue my journey of mentoring and helping youth, I have developed a website with a blog and youtube channel called Stick2Tech ( where I will be sharing videos on different technologies such as Cryptocurrencies, IoT, AI, and Machine Learning. I have also started collaborating with International Organizations such as "Computer Literacy in Nepal" to help financially challenged technology kids to advance by starting video recorded classes on my website "Tech Help for Youth". 

HS - Focusing on the future

Focus area

  • Policy Debate

  • Java Programming

  • Robotics & Engineering

Social work

My focus in high school is to continue to excel in math, technology, and communication.  

In the theme of continuous improvement in communication, my focus is on the Policy debate demands me to be organized, think through the arguments, and defend them. The discussions that we bring to the policy debate are real-world issues. I have spent almost 40-50% of my time on the in-depth research work related to the following competitions. I am on my school's varsity policy debate team and have competed in more than 30 debate tournaments, including the Tournament of Champions. In those tournaments, I  have reached many wins, doubles, quarters, semifinals, and finals. I have held leadership positions like director of the Novice team and co-vice president of the varsity team.

To continue excelling in my education focused on computer science, I have participated in programming competitions like USACO and Hackathones competitions. I completed my three years of "Robotics & Engineering" classes starting in 9th grade. As a school team member, I have participated in Drone and traditional robotics competitions. I will continue to participate in more such contests. 

To continue my mentoring and helping youth journey, I have developed a website with a blog and a Youtube channel called Stick2Tech ( I am sharing videos on different technologies such as Cryptocurrencies, IoT, AI, and Machine Learning. 

I have also founded an organization called The platform allows teens to encourage more substantive discussion about social issues by teaching them about these issues and allowing teens to teach about practical and academic skills.

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